Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Heart and Circulation blood

Heart and Circulation blood
  • The heart is a hallow Muscular organ situated at the centre of the Chest cavity, between the lungs on either side.
  • It acts a pump. It is divided into four chambers. The right upper chamber.
  • It called the right atrium receives impure blood from all parts of the body through blood vessels called veins.
  • When the heart beats this impure blood is passed into the right lower chamber.
  • Called Right Ventricle, and finally finds its way to the lungs where it is purified.
  • During the process of purification, it gives up carbondioxide and takes a fresh quantity of oxygen.
  • The blood so purified finds its way into the left upper chamber called left Atrium.
  • Then passes to the left lower chamber. called Left Ventricle.
  • And from there, in the course of the beating of the heart.
  • The purified blood is discharged into various blood vessels called arteries and capillaries.
  • Which convey this purified blood for the nourishment of the body as a whole.
  • Thus each heart is two pumps put together.
  • The pressure in the arteries varies with the beating of the heart.
  • When the heart contracts the pressure in the arterial system increases.
  • When the heart relaxes. the pressure in the arteries decreases.
  • This pressure exerted on the arteries is known as the"Blood Pressure".
  • And is recorded by the blood pressure instrument or a rough estimate made by feeling the pulse.
Tags: Heart circulation, Circulation blood, Blood pressure, Pulse feelings

Monday, December 8, 2014

Respiration of Inspiration and Expiration

               The respiration is Human's object provide oxygen to the body wash out carbonite. It is called inspiration and expiration.
1. Inspiration:

  • The object of respiration is provide oxygen of the body washout carbondioxide.
  • The oxygen  provided by breathing is utilised in the combustion of end products of the digested food which in its turn generates carbondioxide.
  • With each inspiration it takes in approximately 600 cc of air and gives out 500 cc of air with higher content of carbondioxide and lesser content of oxygen.
  • During the process of inspiration the chest cavity enlarges, creating a negative pressure.
  • Which expands the elastic lungs which are two in number and are situated in the chest cavity on either side of the heart.
  • When the chest and or abdominal muscles relax, the chest cavity becomes smaller and the lungs go back to their normal position due to their elasticity.
  • Interference with the respiration may therefore cause serious consequences including unconsciousness and death.
Tags: Respiration, Inspiration expiration, Breathing types, carbondioxyde, Oxygen, O2

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Causes of Blood exodus from Nose

Blood exodus from Nose

  • The Habitual bleeding during dry weather is common among youngsters.
  • This is not caused by in an injury.
  • Adults maybe bleeds from the front portion Nostril.
  • Due to Minor injury like blowing the nose, or picking out crusts.
  • High Blood pressure may also cause bleeding through the nose.
Tags: Medical Tips, Bleeding Tips, Blood Exodus

Monday, December 1, 2014

Foods for health

  • Food is digested in the mouth, stomach and by digestive juices secreted by various glands and in are from small intestine.

  • The largely of vegetable fibres. enters large(colon) water and mineral salts are absorbed.

  • Final waste products the body through the rectum.

  • Oxygen is also necessary for the support of life and is obtained from the air we breathe.

  • It must pass from the lungs into the blood stream and be circulated before can be of use to the body.

  • It unites with a protein in the red cells to'form a suitable for easy compound transport throughout the body.

  • Protein is chemical a compound which is derived from foodstuffs such as meat. eggs, fish etc.

  • The oxygen and the digested materials are carried in the blood stream to the tissues.

  • To supply substances for their growth and repair and to produce heat and energy.
Tags: Foods digested, Medical Tips, Gastrology, Basic medical tips, Food for health, Healthy foods, Best medecines